shaded rule
Smoke Image

Steve Walker

One of the really rewarding aspects of effects is that no two projects are exactly alike. Every new vision creates a new set of creative and technical challenges. That's why they call it "special" effects! What KickIt Six brings to the table is that unique blend of right-brain/left-brain thinking that can creatively visualize and develop a shot, and then follow through with the technical skills to make it come to life.


With over 30 years of experience shooting and directing motion control, Steve has the patience and skills required to get through the most challenging moco shoots, from tabletop to talent. When it comes to 3D, he was in the thick of it for a couple decades, animating and rendering with all of the best toys, and is still turning out slick computer graphics and effects. Greenscreen...yep, compositing...yep, videography...yep, slomo and timelapse...yep, 2D design and graphic animation...yep. The integration of all of the visual disciplines made possible by digital technology has made the art of visual effects and animation more exciting than ever. The creative possibilities are endless.  Vision.......yep.